Best & Worst Rooms for Hardwood Floors in Bolivar, WV; Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Foyer & More

Whether you opt for engineered or solid hardwood floors when upgrading your home, it’s always an exciting change. Looking good with any color scheme and easily incorporated into any interior design, wood floors have a classic charm. If they are well cared for, wood floors can last for quite some time with simple maintenance, and…

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How to Prevent Scratches on Wood Floors From Dog Nails, Furniture & More in Martinsburg, WV

Preserving hardwood floors is everyone’s goal. Once it is installed, the wood floors need routine maintenance and care. One of the biggest problem’s homeowners face, is avoiding the scratches that manifest on these wood floors. Today, we at Mike’s Custom Flooring would like to share a few tips to help you avoid scratching the hardwood…

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How Can I Make My Hardwood Floors Work with a Modern Interior Design in Gerrardstown, WV?

Incorporating hardwood floors into modern interior design is a wonderful way to add warmth, elegance, and timeless appeal to your living space. When done right, hardwood floors can seamlessly blend with modern aesthetics, creating a stylish and inviting atmosphere. Below are some tips on how to achieve a harmonious fusion of hardwood floors and modern…

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Which Hardwood Floors are Best with Dogs in Falling Waters, WV? Harder Wood Species & More

Pets bring joy, companionship, and love to our lives, but they can also bring challenges when it comes to maintaining our homes, particularly our hardwood floors. Pet nails, spills, and accidents can take a toll on traditional hardwood flooring, causing scratches, stains, and permanent damage. However, with the right choice of hardwood flooring and some…

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What is the Best Way to Take Care of Hardwood Floors in Bunker Hill, WV? What to Avoid & More

Hardwood floors add a timeless beauty and elegance to any home. To preserve their luster and extend their lifespan, proper care and maintenance are essential. Unfortunately, many homeowners unknowingly make mistakes that can damage their hardwood floors over time. Some common mistakes in hardwood floor care and offer valuable tips to avoid them is what…

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