Typically, the general basics about wood floor care and maintenance is related to homeowners at the time of the professional installation. At the very least these basics can be found with a simple amount of research. In a nutshell, keeping the wood floor dust mopped to control the dirt and debris, a natural abrasive, and ensuring the exposure is kept to a minimal are the important details. Others include staying clear of harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaning implements, and avoiding wearing spiked shoes on the floor. Unfortunately, few realize that direct sunlight can cause issues for hardwood floors. The affects are from long-term exposure to the sun’s UV rays. The most obvious affect is discoloration, but there are other issues that can manifest with direct sunlight piercing the wood floors and we at Mike’s Custom Flooring would like to further elaborate on the matter.
Can Sunlight Fade Hardwood Floors?
It does not take too long before you notice the discoloration of the hardwood floor. Most will notice the difference in color when comparing it to areas where the sun’s light penetrates through the window as opposed to the areas protected under furniture for instance. The hardwood floors can have irreversible damaging effects with direct sunlight in tandem with warm temperatures and/or humidity levels. No matter the affects, you to prevent these problems all year long with several solutions with any of the below solutions.
Sealants for Hardwood Floors
The effect of sunlight on floors will vary, depending on the specific wood and color tone. Some types of wood will darken, where others will lighten after being exposed to direct sunlight. Moving the furniture around periodically can help keep the floor balanced. To help significantly reduce the sun’s rays, consider an application of specialized sun-resistant sealant. Rugs and runner are also an option to provide more barriers from the sun.
Protect Hardwood Floors from Sun Damage in Window Treatments
The UV film for windows can block out 99% of harmful rays, making this preventative measure one of the most effective. Simply installing quality window films will help prevent fading and discoloration. Most prefer the window UV tint to having to keep the curtains closed drawn, and the window tint is easy to install. It keeps the harmful rays from penetrating through the glass and the window films still allow enough visual light transfer to flood your home with natural light. In order for blinds, drapes, and curtains to be an effective alternative method, they have to be closed to prevent the sunlight from coming through during the peak hours when the direct sunlight shines through. This option keeps homes relatively dark but preserves the health and color of your hardwood floors.
Hardwood Floor Installation, Repairs, Refinishing & More in Charles Town & Eastern Panhandle of Berkeley & Jefferson Counties in WV | Winchester & Frederick County | Round Hill & Loudoun County | Berryville & Clarke County | Herndon & Fairfax County VA
Effective singularly or in harmony with others, many of these solutions will still help preserve your wood floors. Hardwood floors can not only discolor with the sun’s harmful rays, but the floors can dry out and deteriorate far too long before their time. It is important that you take the necessary precautions when you first get them installed but it is never too late to start effective preventative sun damage. When you need hardwood floor services, call Mike’s Custom Flooring and let our experts take care of your installation, repair, and maintenance services!