For those looking to replace your home’s flooring you it may be at a tossup between carpet or wood floors. Both has its own set of benefits as well as disadvantages and making a decision can be difficult. However, today Mike’s Custom Flooring would like to share some of the top reasons as to why wood floors are the better choice.
Cleaning Hardwood Flooring VS Carpet
One of the major disadvantages of carpets is that they are difficult to keep clean. Carpet quickly traps in dirt and other particles. Another major complication with carpet is that they are easily stained. A single second with some form of liquid and your carpet is now stained and will require cleaning to remove it. Stubborn stains often require professional assistance to remove. One benefit of wood floors is they don’t stain easily and can be easily and quickly cleaned. Regular cleaning of wood floors involves sweeping and mopping. Carpet floors require regular vacuuming and when it comes to deep cleaning, you must shampoo them. Shampooing carpet involves buying or renting a carpet steamer or seeking professional carpet cleaning.
Carpets Age Quicker than Hardwood Floors
Carpets age much quicker than wood floors. With proper care, wood floors can last decades and still look new and clean. Carpets however, are not designed to last. Each time you walk on or vacuum carpet you are slowly thinning out the fibers of the carpet. The slow degeneration of carpet over time makes them look dirty and often requires replacing after 5 to 10 year at most. Depending on the type of wood that is used, some require refinishing every 3 to 5 years. However, by maintaining the wood’s integrity, the floor will last for years. When you look at the longevity of carpet versus wood floors, the wood floors are superior.
Hardwood is Best Flooring for Indoor Air Quality
Most people who suffer from indoor allergies often don’t realize it is because of their carpet. Carpets trap and then slowly releases dirt, dander, hair and other contaminates into the air inside your home. In order to maintain a cleaner home and air quality, carpet should be professionally cleaned every 6 to 3 months depending on the home’s environment. Wood floors don’t hold in dirt, hair, or other particles that come into your home. When dirt or hair does accumulate inside your home, it is easily cleaned helping keep your home’s air clean and allergy free.
Harwdood Floors Increase Resale Value
Homes that have wood floors installed have actually increased the home’s value. New carpet can help sell a home, but it doesn’t increase the home’s value. Wood floors are a major investment and high desired in today’s market. Buyers love homes with wood floors and is one of the major trends surging in today’s market. Not only does the wood floor last longer than carpet, it looks more up to date and increases a home’s value. Wood floors may be more of an investment compared to some carpets, yet it is an investment that pays back.
Hardwood Floor installation, Replacement Services & More in Charles Town & Eastern Panhandle of Berkeley & Jefferson Counties in WV | Winchester & Frederick County | Round Hill & Loudoun County | Berryville & Clarke County | Herndon & Fairfax County VA
For those who want to replace their home’s flooring, wood floors are one of the best investments you can make for your home. If you want to know more about the types of wood floors available, or need help with installation, contact Mike’s Custom Flooring today!
Custom Flooring
Wood Floors versus Carpet