Hardwood Floor Warping & Water Damage Repair in Round Hill, VA; How Much Water, Is There Mold, Is It Dry Now & More!

There’s nothing nicer than beautiful hardwood floors and it’s terrible if they should get damaged from water. In fact, water is the worst enemy for hardwood flooring and it can be very difficult to avoid because our homes are exposed to water each and every day. Water being tracked into the home on a rainy day or from snow, spills in the home or a plumbing issue like a leak can damage hardwood floors.

Can Warped & Water Damaged Hardwood Floors Be Repaired?

There are some factors that need to be looked at to figure out if you can repair water damaged floors.
1. How much water damaged the floors? It doesn’t matter what size the spill is, the first thing you need to do is figure out where it’s coming from and remove it. The water on the surface hasn’t been absorbed by the hardwood yet so act quickly. Do this by grabbing dry towel to soak it up or a vacuum. This will be effective in reducing the amount of water that gets absorbed and lets the wood dry faster. Small amounts of water can be cleaned up quickly and the floor will dry up on its own and look like new in no time. Hardwood floors that have been exposed to lots of water need the professionals. We can effectively remove the extra water and have methods to speed up the drying time too. We use powerful fans to dry the wood evenly and quickly without causing the wood to buckle. These fans do a great job at drying the subfloor too. If the subfloor isn’t dried properly, it can damage the infrastructure of your wood flooring.
2. Do you suspect mold has set on your damaged floors? Hardwood floors that have been damaged by water provides the perfect environment for mold to grow. The longer the water sits on the floors leaves the floor wet and moist. We all know that those are the two things that mold needs to thrive. Mold will further damage your wood floors and affect the way it looks. Mold is also terrible for the air quality in your home. You may need to contact a mold removal company to take care of this problem before you start the repair process.
3. Is the flooring totally dry? Many do-it-yourselfers make the mistake of assuming the hardwood is totally dry and go ahead and refinish it and thinking it will be like new again. This can be a problem if the floor isn’t totally dry. Refinishing a floor that isn’t totally dry will make the water damage worse! Floors that have been affected by water damage need at least several weeks or even months to completely dry, even with the powerful fans used. If the water has reached the subfloor, it will need to be dried. You will need to get with wood flooring experts to make sure the floor is dry enough to be refinished. Always make sure you determine if the damage has spread to the subfloor. The subfloor immediately needs to be treated or the problem will get worse. Once this has been done, the floors can be refinished.

Repairing Hardwood & More in Charles Town & Eastern Panhandle or Berkeley & Jefferson Counties in West Virginia | Winchester & Frederick County | Round Hill & Loudoun County | Fairfax County VA

Contact wood flooring professionals to refinish your hardwood floors after water damage or anytime they need it. Mike’s Custom Flooring has experts that can repair and refinish hardwood floors. We will have them looking as good as they did the day they were installed. Call us today!

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